Lady Emily, born into a noble family has an extremely overbearing mother who only wants the best match possible for her daughter. Lady Emily Ashton is a widow when the novel opens, having lost her big-game hunting husband Viscount Ashton to fever whilst on a hunt in Africa. Alexander keeps readers guessing until the very end' Publishers Weekly 'Tasha Alexander is one to watch - and read.Another novel set in Victorian times! And Only To Deceive is the first novel in Alexander’s Lady Emily series and as my library has all of the novels so far on their shelves I thought I’d give this one a go. Praise for Tasha Alexander 'This engaging, witty mix of Victorian cozy and suspense thriller draws its dramatic spark from the endearingly headstrong heroine's growth in life and love. But there, amid priceless ancient statues, she uncovers a dark, dangerous secret involving stolen artifacts from the Greco-Roman galleries - and as she sets out to solve the crime she discovers even more surprises about the husband she never knew. Emily becomes fascinated with this new image of her dead husband and immerses herself in his intellectual pursuits, studying Greek and spending time in the quiet corridors of the British Museum. His journals reveal him to have been a gentleman scholar and antiquities collector who, to her surprise, was deeply in love with his wife. Now, nearly two years later, she discovers that Philip was a far different man from the one she had married so cavalierly. So when her new husband dies on safari soon after the wedding, she feels little grief. For Emily, accepting the proposal of Philip, the Viscount Ashton, was just an easy way to escape her stifling home life and overbearing mother. From New York Times bestselling author Tasha Alexander comes a stunning novel of historical suspense set in Victorian England, meticulously researched and with a twisty plot that involves stolen antiquities, betrayal, and murder Lady Emily's first mystery.