I loved this story! It's a real classic and is tame enough that modern readers will find it just as enjoyable now as romance lovers did when the book was first published. In order to survive, Sabrina will have to escape her father's plans for her, which leads her right back into the arms of Lucien Dominick. They are not well off, and Sabrina takes part and even devises some dangerous stunts in order to keep her family afloat, until she crosses the Duke of Camareigh, who puts her little enterprise out of business. Sabrina has left her beloved Highlands of Scotland for England with her aunt, sister and young brother. Other than that, this book is pretty much a standard historical romance for the time frame it was written in. Yes, there are some uncomfortable treatments of women, but despite what many would like to believe, these depictions were accurate and true to the time period. Written way back in the late 70's, this book might be tossed into the 'bodice ripper' category, but frankly, I didn't feel that way about it. Being a big fan of Laurie's I did keep many of her books, so I was relieved to discover that I did still have a copy. I didn't see the first book up for review, so I went into my vintage and collectable bookshelf to see, if by some minor miracle, I had a copy of this book.

However, when I started on “Chance the Winds of Fortune”, I realized the book was the second in the series. I am thrilled to see some of these books are being released in digital format.

When I noticed a couple of Laurie McBain's books were up for review on Netgalley, I didn't hesitate to request them.

Moonstruck Madness by Laurie McBain is a 1977 Avon Publication.