
The Jewel Fish of Karnak by Graeme Base
The Jewel Fish of Karnak by Graeme Base

The Jewel Fish of Karnak by Graeme Base

S.uddenlyhe knocks a guy over and the guy starts chasing him and he runs into a building onto a stage. It is about a boy who is having so much fun. TheBoy, The Bear ,The Baron, The bard Gregory Rogers

  • My favourite joke was “Why did the tennis player need new teeth?” A: “She lost the first set.” I would recommend this book for every one because its funny and they will like it.
  • It’s like a Where Wally book you lift up the flap to look at the joke. It has a lot to look at with detailed funny pictures. I think this is a great book and every one should read it to get a smile on their face.

    The Jewel Fish of Karnak by Graeme Base

    It will make many people laugh and smile. It has 30 jokes and some of the weirdest but it is a great book for a lot of people. I recommend this for Years 4-6 because it is a good adventure story to enjoy. Then they dived into water and saw thousands of jewel fish My favourite part was where Jackal and Ibis fell off the boat and there were a lot of jewel fish. He chased them all the way back to the river. But as Jackal and Ibis were creeping in, the crocodile saw them and chased after them. The crocodile prince sat surrounded by his treasure. They were going to the crocodile prince to steal treasure.

    The Jewel Fish of Karnak by Graeme Base

    They were called Jackal and Ibis and they steal gold.

    The Jewel Fish of Karnak by Graeme Base